Are you looking for tips on how to get motivated? Do you ever have those days where you just can’t seem to do anything? Where your to do list seems too long and your energy seems too low? Perhaps there’s a big project you need to work on that’s overwhelmingly large and your first inclination is to stick your head in the sand. Or maybe your kids are sick, your dog won’t leave you alone, and the phone keeps ringing. Whatever challenges you’re facing, there are steps you can take to increase your motivation.
It doesn’t matter how committed you are to your goals. There will be days when you don’t feel like showing up, or struggle to find the motivation you need. Off days happen for everyone, but you don’t need to give in to them completely. Check out the tips below on how to get motivated when you’re struggling to get started.

Limit the Initial Investment of Time
If thirty minutes seems overwhelming, start with five minutes. Most of us can do anything for five minutes. And you’ll often find that once you get started, you have the momentum to continue on. But if you don’t, that’s okay too. Sometimes we need to give ourselves grace and know that tomorrow will be a new day.
Set Achievable Milestones
Need to clean your house, but know it’s going to take hours? On days when you’re having trouble finding the motivation, that’s too big a goal. Aim to put away the toys in one room before lunch. Or to clean out your kitchen sink. Tackling a few small projects will get you well on your way to success. And it’ll feel much better to know that you completed a number of projects over the course of the day, than that you only made it a small portion of the way through a big one. Once you start making progress, its easier to finish the task you set your mind to than it was to begin in the first place.
Focus on the Outcomes
Write down the top three positive outcomes of achieving your task. Focusing on the positives will help you to silence any worries about obstacles in your way and increase your motivation to just get started. By lessening the power of fear and increasing your emotional connection to the success you’re seeking, you’re more likely to take action. With the outcomes in mind, its exciting to take action.
Develop Routines to Increase Motivation
By putting together routines you can rely on when the going gets tough, you’re more likely to get going. Turning to your routine will help get you in the right frame of mind and increase your likelihood of success.
Perhaps you have an exercise routine where you lay out your clothes the night before and have a glass of water just before you work out. It’ll harder to skip exercising on an off day if you can at least harness the motivation to put on your gym clothes and have a drink. By implementing an easy routine when your motivation is high, it’ll be harder to say no on days when you struggle. With habits in place, it may not be your best workout, but you’ll follow the pattern you’ve put in place.
This article on the daily routines of history’s most creative minds is worth a read. Some of them are bizarre!
Just Get Moving
It’s hard to fight inertia and it’s even harder to think yourself into getting motivated. Physical energy and mental energy are often intertwined. Once you get up off the couch, you’re much more likely to throw in a load of laundry than if you stay sitting. Motivation is often the result of action, not the cause of action.
Pick One Goal
If you know it’s going to be a tough day, pick one goal to focus on. Trying to do too much can further weaken your motivation. By focusing the energy and motivation you can muster towards one important task, you’ll ensure you make progress, even on the toughest of days.

Ask for Help
Finally, talking through what’s troubling you with a friend or family member can help. You’ll get outside perspective, support, and encouragement to tackle the challenges you’re facing. Having an accountability partner can work wonders for motivation.
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What tips do you have for how to get motivated on days when everything feels like a struggle?
Great tips. Sometimes it is so difficult to get out of a rut when you’re just simply stuck. These tricks to help get motivated are so simple, but awesome ways to get started.
Thanks Nikki! Sometimes getting started can be the hardest part.
You have no idea how much I needed this post now. I have been struggling to find motivation but this helps soo much. I will start by breaking my big goals into tiny tiny ones.that will surely help! Thank you soo much and oh, your site is soo beautiful..xx
Thank you Rumie! I’ve been focusing on small goals lately and I’ve found it helps me a lot. I am glad to hear my post helped you!
I love the motivational post!
Great tips! A personal favorite is, “Stop waiting to be motivated and just start.”
Thanks Taylor, that’s a great one!
Excellent points. I enjoyed reading this.
Thanks Charlene!