No matter how much student loan debt you have, paying it off just isn’t fun. Sure, there’s a sense of accomplishment in watching the balance come down, but it’s hard to feel like you’re getting anything in return. Standard repayment plans can go on for decades. Its hard to plan for the future when a […]
125+ Free or Cheap Date Night Ideas
Looking for new date night ideas? Whether you’re planning a big night out or a quiet evening in, I hope you find some date night ideas on this list that spark your creativity. Sometimes it can be hard to balance your desire to stick to a budget with your wish to treat your partner. Date […]
Travel on a Budget: 65+ Genius Ways to Stretch Your Travel Budget
Do you love to travel, but struggle to fit it into your budget? You’re not alone. Learning to stretch your funds and travel on a budget can help you increase the quantity and/or quality of your trips. And traveling on a budget can mean very different things to different people. Whether your personal travel style […]
The Ultimate Irish Soda Bread Recipe
Baking Irish Soda Bread with my grandmother is one of my favorite memories from childhood. While Irish Soda Bread is typically associated with Saint Patrick’s Day, we baked this delicious bread throughout the year for family celebrations, tea with girlfriends, or a sweet morning treat. Grammy’s mother brought the recipe over with her from Ireland […]
How I Paid Off $100k+ in Student Loan Debt
In June of 2012 my student loan debt balance stood at $158,716.50. I’d graduated from a top MBA program a few years before, only to struggle to find steady full-time employment during the recession. Once I landed a job that felt stable, I finally gathered the courage to add everything up and see where I […]
The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist
One of the weirdest things I’m excited about now that I have a bunch of time on my hands after being laid off is spring cleaning. Spring cleaning is one of those things that honestly just didn’t make the cut while balancing an intense corporate career with foster parenting and the addition of two little […]