My favorite blogging tip applies to so many aspects of life: Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.
At first read it sounds so simple, but I do it all the time. True confession? I bought this domain name over a year ago but life got busy, I hit a stumbling block technology wise, and I let writing posts and actually launching slide.

Everyone has doubts at first.
When it came to starting my own blog, I had so many doubts. There are already so many personal finance blogs out there…would anyone want to read my story? Would my content be any good, in a world where it can feel like everything’s already been said before? How would I differentiate myself when the bar for bloggers keeps getting higher?
If you’re feeling the same way, know you’re not alone.
It’s easier to start a blog than ever before.
At the same time, it’s easier to start a blog than ever before. And developing a voice and actually writing—they are things I know I’m good at. I have the skills and ability to rock at blogging, I just need to get started. (Though thank goodness the tech requirements have come down over the past decade!) If you’ve also been procrastinating, what are you waiting for?
Make sure you’re not comparing apples to oranges.
Which brings us to my favorite blogging tip: Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. Taking those first steps in a new space where you’re in awe of other’s accomplishments is a tough thing to do. In a traditional career you start as an assistant and work your way up. But blogging? You need to put yourself out there and work to improve your skills over time. It’s a public learning process and even if you have no audience in the early days (which is totally normal) it can still be really scary. Put your blinders on and just start writing.
Your story matters.
I’ve always been a voracious reader and I’ve followed some of my favorite blogs since their early days. (Shout out to Young House Love, Bakerella, Frugalwoods, and Pinch of Yum, to name a few.) And you know what? Their stories drew me in and the rest of it was just fluff. Sure, their photos improved over the years and they all invested more in the design of their sites but ultimately, I return time and again because something about their individual stories speaks to me.
Enjoy the journey.
I’m currently at the beginning of my blogging journey. If you’ve been putting off launching your own blog or other entrepreneurial endeavor, I hope you’ll join me. Your story is unique. Find your own starting point, challenge yourself to get a little bit better every day, and start putting yourself out there.
Here’s to focusing on the present. And if you have a favorite blogger you can’t help comparing yourself to? Check out Wayback Machine to see what their site looked like in its infancy and at least make sure you’re comparing yourself to the right part of their story.
Please tell me I’m not the only one. Do you have a favorite blogging tip to share? Or have you fallen into the trap of comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle? Commiserate with me in the comments!
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